Friday 2 September 2011

Top 5 Weight Loss Exercises For You

Weight loss exercises is the most active and natural form of shedding off extra pounds in a healthy and quick manner. There is no other substitute or alternative for these exercises which helps in keeping you healthy and fit. No amount of fat burning pills, crash dieting, surgery, belts or any other similar methods can benefit you as compared to the regular exercises and healthy eating. Weight loss exercises in combination with proper diet can help in making your body healthy and holistic.

Weight loss exercises when combined with a proper diet helps an individual to lose weight fast and be fit at the same time. Effective weight loss exercises are an important part of healthy weight loss programs. There a number of exercises that help in reducing weight at a fast pace and these include both cardio and toning aspects thereby allowing you to experience a change in your body. There are various effective exercises and here’s a peek into the top 5 weight loss exercises.

1. Aerobics
Nowadays, aerobic classes are gaining a wide popularity and are considered one of the best types of exercises for shedding off extra pounds from your stomach. These aerobic classes are coming up with different personalized routines that are mainly aimed at losing weight. People simply enjoy dancing to the music and at the same time losing their weight. Each hourly session of these aerobic exercises help you in burning up of about 800 calories and work on different body parts and problems in particular areas of your body. Aerobics increases the efficiency of heart and lungs, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and improves the blood circulation.

2. Cycling
Bicycling is an amazing and fantastic weight loss exercise which mainly aims on the overall fitness and not on weight loss alone. You will be able to burn extra calories and getting rid of extra layers from your stomach. By cycling for about few miles a day can help in assuring increase in stamina, toned muscles and minimize the coronary heart disease rate.

3. Exercise DVD’s
There are different exercise DVD’s available in the market and some of these mainly focus on toning up your body and losing weight. You can find out such high energy DVD’s in the market and try to follow them at least once in a day. Apart from losing weight, these DVD’s also help in keeping your body healthy and fit.

4. Jogging
Jogging in one of the healthiest exercises that help you in losing your weight and also keeping your body fit. Apart from burning extra calories, you will also get a lot of time to think without any distractions. You can burn up to 550 calories by jogging for an hour.

5. Yoga
Stretching is a good exercise for your soul and your body and is also effective for losing extra weight. You will experience a considerable change in your flexibility and tone as well as you will burn about 180 calories in just one hour.

Therefore, these are the top 5 weight loss exercises that help you in reducing your weight in an effective manner.

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